According to Fender CEO Andy Mooney, 90% of new guitar players will give up playing the instrument within a year. Sales have been on the rise in the guitar industry over the past several years, with 45% of guitars sold going to new players annually.
“As an industry, we don’t have a problem attracting new entrants, We have a member retention issue.”
As for those who decide to learn the guitar, Fender’s research also discovered that they’re not all looking to be professional musicians.“72% of people will pick up the instrument for no other reason other than to learn a new life skill,” Mooney said. He continued,
So, not everybody wants to be standing with one foot on the monitor with the wind blowing through their hair. Most people would want to play quietly and solo in their own home, singing along with their favorite songs.
AlphaGuitar provides Gold Coast Guitar Lesson In Palm Beach.